Monday, November 29, 2010

To get anything of value, you have to sacrifice.

In a sermon from Matthew 10:16-31, John Piper suggests 6 costs and 10 blessings of frontier* missions.

6 Costs of Frontier Missions:
  1. The cost of being arrested by authorities. (10:16-18)
  2. The cost of family betrayal. (10:21)
  3. The cost of being hated by all. (10:22)
  4. The cost of being persecuted and driven out of town. (10:23)
  5. The cost of being maligned. (10:25b)
  6. The cost of being killed. (10:28)
"For two thousand years, thousands of missionaries—unnamed people of whom the world is not worthy—have counted this cost and put their lives at risk to reach the lost with the only message of salvation in the world. And the reason they could do this is because the blessings so outweigh the costs."

10 Blessings of Frontier Missions:
  1. The blessing of being sent by Christ. (10:16)
  2. The blessing of being given words by the Spirit of God. (10:19-20)
  3. The blessing of experiencing God’s fatherly care. (10:20b)
  4. The blessing of salvation at the end of it all. (10:22b)
  5. The blessing of knowing that the Son of Man is coming in judgment and mercy. (10:23b)
  6. The blessing of belonging to Jesus’ household. (10:25b)
  7. The blessing of knowing that the truth will triumph. (10:26)
  8. The blessing of having an immortal soul. (10:28)
  9. The blessing of having a heavenly Father who sovereignly rules the smallest details of life. (10:29)
  10. The blessing of being valued by God. (10:31)
  • Listen, download, or read the entire sermon here.
*"Frontier missions is crossing a culture to plant the church where the gospel has not already taken root. This is the mandate that is still valid for us today. The job is not done. And the word of our risen king Jesus is binding on us today as much as when he first gave it."


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?!

Yes, the terrorists have already won.


Friday, November 19, 2010

There is no racial bigotry here.

My Reformation Day sermon was on Revelation 7:9-12 and dealt with the ultimate goal of Reforming/Reformation.

Along those lines, I thought it might be helpful to share Providence Church's official statement on church desegregation:

A Vision for Racial Harmony & Integration* (pdf)
  • Scripture teaches that the church is comprised of those the Lamb ransomed with His blood, a group consisting of every tribe and language and people and nation. (Revelation 5:9)
  • Within the body of Christ God has indeed redeemed His church from among each and every socio-economic status, language, people group, race, and ethnicity.
  • Those who are born again to believe in Christ are redeemed and are all equally children of God and equal in Christ, for they are all heirs. (John 1:12-13; Galatians 3:26-29)

Since God is concerned about building a church comprised of all people groups …
  • those in His churches should also be concerned about all people groups.
  • local churches should be a microcosm of the church universal in reflecting God’s concern for all people groups.
  • local churches should strive for heterogeneity, at least to the extent of the community’s demographics.

The harmonious intermingling of all types of peoples in a community of redeemed, baptized Christians who live to follow Christ by loving God and other people, thereby impacting lives to the glory of God. However, such a church does not comprise doctrinal fidelity, God’s standards of holiness for the believer, or its commitment to the great commission of making disciples of all nations nor does it presume to be able to love God or His people apart from divine assistance.


“Contrary to the history of the American church and contrary to the contemporary mindset of many churches in our land, we will follow God’s leading in demonstrating love across racial boundaries by striving for a congregation that better reflects the demographic make up of our community as a testimony to God’s love for all people and as a testimony to the world of the transforming power of God’s love to unite across racial boundaries so that, ultimately, God will be glorified.”

• “Contrary to the history of the American church ….”
We repent of past wrongs committed in the name of Christianity in our country whereby some people groups were mistreated because of the color of their skin. We repent of anything in the history of our church and/or denomination that might have contributed in any way to such sin. We lament the fact that the non-Christian world has been more concerned about racial reconciliation than the church and that the church has been dragging its feet rather than leading the way in showing the non-Christian world the transforming power of God’s grace to bring together people of all races. We will keep our eyes open to social injustices in our land and declare them sin, being counter-cultural in our Christian witness when necessary.

• “and contrary to the contemporary mindset of many churches in our land ….”
Far too many churches are not concerned about racial reconciliation or even concerned about those people God has placed in their geographic proximity. This is seen in lack of outreach and/or fleeing the inner city areas to the suburbs. Other churches are particularly striving for homogeneity by actually targeting only certain types of people for their congregations.

• “we will follow God’s leading in demonstrating love across racial boundaries …”
God has demonstrated love throughout the pages of human history and in the pages of sacred Scripture, but most clearly in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus’ love transcended educational levels, classes, and ethnic backgrounds. As our example, our commitment should be to mirror that love that transcends culture and ethnicity.

• “by striving for a congregation that better reflects the demographic make up of our community …”
Just as the early church was comprised of both Jew and Gentile, so should our church reflect the different groups represented in our community. Just as there were challenges in the days of the early church, so should we anticipate difficulties, but only those that can be overcome through our bond in Christ which transcends other identifying factors (e.g., ethnicity, gender, educational level, and income).

• “as a testimony to God’s love for all people …”
Ironically, Christianity is at times viewed as a “white man’s religion.” Although God is concerned about and loves all types of people, His love is more easily seen when congregations in Christ’s church are visibly constructed of different types of people.

• “and as a testimony to the world of the transforming power of God’s love to unite across racial boundaries …”
Sadly, the watching world sees the church as apathetic, at best, and hostile, at worst, regarding racial harmony. Government, educational systems, sports, and employment agencies have led the way in equity among the races, demonstrating a greater concern for all races. To our shame, churches are among the last bastions of segregation. But only God’s love has the real power for lasting transformation across racial boundaries and His people need to show that to the world.

• “so that, ultimately, God will be glorified …”
As a church and people of God, we strive not for our glory, but for God’s alone. As we embrace the notion of Soli Deo Gloria, we realize that this goal will be furthered when the world and God’s people see God’s transforming grace glorified in the harmonious congregations of those redeemed from every ethnic group, worshiping and growing together in community.


  1. Embrace such a vision officially.
  2. Examine with vigor the church and its practices to determine if there is anything that is, intentionally or unintentionally, unappealing and/or repelling to those of other ethnicities.
  3. Strive to show Christ’s love to our community by concerted outreach strategies to see people come to Christ and come to join our congregation.
  4. Strive to help those underprivileged financially who may also be different that us ethnically.
  5. Remind the congregation of our value on racially representing our community.
  6. Pray for God to show us where we have been wrong in this area so we may repent and change where necessary, by His grace.
  7. Pray for God to build His church in a diverse fashion.
  8. Pray for God’s grace to assist us in loving those that we do not find as easy to love.

  1. Become a student of other cultures, particularly those in geographical proximity, to assist in developing a real love for people of other cultures.
  2. Recognize that the tendency of human nature is to gravitate to people like us (e.g., age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, etc.) and contend to develop relationships with those unlike you, especially racially.
  3. Pray for an ethnically diverse congregation that glorifies God’s transforming grace and educates the world as to the only true and lasting basis of racial reconciliation.
  4. Ask God to show you any sinful behaviors or prejudices that you might repent of them, also asking for the grace to change.
  5. Ask God to show you just how pervasive racism is in our culture so that you might fight against it.
  6. Ask Christians of other ethnicities, especially in our congregation, how you might be more sensitive in your efforts to love them.
  7. Love your neighbor as yourself.
*Inspired by a similar statement of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota and adopted by the congregation of Providence Church on recommendation of the elders on April 29, 2007.

  • Read also the Southern Baptist Convention's Resolution on Racial Reconciliation on the 150th anniversary of its formation. (HT Oilcan)

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You're born into a family. You do not join them like you do the Marines.

During a recent pastors luncheon, Bruce White asked a question, the gist of which was, "Would your kids want to grow up and have a family like the one of which they are a part?"

In other words, would your kids say, "When I grow up, I want to have a family just like this one"?

That's a sobering question, isn't it?

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Friday, November 12, 2010

When I was your age, television was called, "books."

Providence Church deacon & youth director, Cody Dixon, has started a reading club of sorts and asked the elders for an "approved" reading list from which to choose. Each month, the plan is to read the book and gather to discuss it.

The following 13 made the list, but I'm open to suggestion as to what would be good for a church reading group.
  1. Hannah, John. Kregel Pictorial Guide to Church History
  2. Harris, Joshua. Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of God
  3. Horton, Michael. Putting Amazing Back into Grace
  4. Luther, Martin. The Bondage of the Will
  5. MacArthur, John. The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception
  6. MacArthur, John. Twelve Ordinary Men: How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do with You
  7. Metzger, Will. Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People
  8. Pink, Arthur. The Sovereignty of God
  9. Piper, John. The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God's Delight in Being God
  10. Roberts, Vaughan. God's Big Picture
  11. Sproul, R.C. Chosen by God
  12. Sproul, R.C. Holiness of God
  13. Tripp, Tedd. Shepherding a Child's Heart

P.S. Others I'd recommend based on prior Sunday school usage:
  1. Alcorn, Randy. The Treasure Principle
  2. Atteberry, Mark. The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do
  3. Dever, Mark. Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
  4. Packer, J.I. Knowing God
  5. Piper, John. Desiring God
  6. Piper, John. Future Grace
  7. Thomas, Gary. Sacred Marriage: What If God Intended Marriage to Make Us Holy More than to Make Us Happy?


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

But you can't latch the hood too well, if you don't take the can out, you no-selling waste of space!

This was my lesson in an adult Sunday school class recently dealing with hindering your prayers. These are not things which will keep you from prayer; that's another show. I'm talking about people who pray, but their prayers are self-destructing.

9 Potential Hindrances to Your Prayers:
  1. Trinitarian Confusion
  2. Cherishing Sin (Ps 66:18)
  3. Defiance of God’s precepts (Prov 15:29; 28:9)
  4. Trying to Impress Others (Matt 6:5)
  5. Unwillingness to Forgive Others (Mark 11:25)
  6. Pride (Luke 18:9-14)
  7. Doubting God (James 1:5-7)
  8. Satisfying Misguided Passions (James 4:3)
  9. Living Insensitively with Wife (1 Peter 3:7)



Monday, November 01, 2010

Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?

I've been asked who are the top 3 people I enjoy listening to. But, I've never been asked the similar question, "Who are the top 3 people you hate hearing from?"

Without having to spend much time contemplating ...
  1. Bill Maher
  2. Rosie O'Donnell
  3. Whoopi Goldberg
These are people who, for some strange reason, have the platform to communicate ideas, but, in the world according to Gunny, nevermore would they have any such influence.


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