Friday, December 29, 2006

It's called reading. Top to bottom, left to right ... a group of words together is called a sentence.

I've been asked before for a good reading list. What is a good list of things for a Christian to read? In what order?

Let me offer a list of things you might want to add to your reading as you look to 2007. As well, I'd be interested in any you'd suggest.

Of course, at the top of the list for 2007 must be the Bible, God's holy book. Our sanctification depends on it. Jesus prayed that the Father would sanctify us by His truth; His Word is truth (John 17:17).

These texts are supplemental, not to in any way replace or eclipse your Bible reading. But they can be of great assistance as you learn from those in the faith who have gone before us. God has blessed us with brothers and sisters in the faith from which we can learn, but we must do so by being diligent with their thoughts on the printed page.

The following are books I would recommend a Christian read at some point in his/her spiritual development. Note, I did not say I would recommend to have them on your shelf. Life's too short and money's too tight just to have them on the shelf. Good books only do you good if you read them.

McDowell, Josh. More Than a Carpenter

Harris, Joshua. Stop Dating the Church!

Anders, Max. 30 Days to Understanding the Bible

Sproul, R. C. Holiness of God

Hendricks, Howard. Living by the Book

Roberts, Vaughan. God's Big Picture

Hannah, John. The Kregel Pictorial Guide to Church History

Lewis, C. S. The Screwtape Letters

Dever, Mark. The Message of the Old Testament: Promises Made

Dever, Mark. The Message of the New Testament: Promises Kept

Thomas, Gary. Sacred Marriage: What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?

Foxe, John. Book of Martyrs

Horton, Michael S. Putting Amazing Back into Grace

Piper, John. Desiring God

Farrar, Steve. Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family

Piper, John. Let the Nations Be Glad!

Peart, Norman Anthony. Separate No More: Understanding and Developing Racial Reconciliation in Your Church

Elliot, Elisabeth. Shadow of the Almighty

Tripp, Tedd. Shepherding a Child's Heart

Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's Progress

Sproul, R. C. Chosen By God

Willard, Dallas. The Spirit of the Disciplines

Sanders, Oswald. Spiritual Leadership

Chantry, Walter. Today’s Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic?

Packer, J. I. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

Gonzalez, Justo. The Story of Christianity (2 vols.)

Piper, John. Pleasures of God

Phillips, J. B. Your God is too Small

Tozer, A. W. The Knowledge of the Holy

Spurgeon, C. H. The Soul Winner

Ryle, J. C. Holiness

Lewis, C. S. Mere Christianity

Packer, J. I. Knowing God

Bunyan, John. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners

Luther, Martin. The Bondage of the Will

Charnock, Stephen. The Existence and Attributes of God

Sproul, R. C. Grace Unknown

Horton, Michael, ed. Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation

Edwards, Jonathan. Religious Affections

Carson, D. A. Exegetical Fallacies

Thomas Ascol, ed. Reclaiming the Gospel and Reforming Churches

Calvin, John. The Institutes of the Christian Religion

MacArthur, John. Vanishing Conscience

Boice, James Montgomery. Foundations of the Christian Faith

Edwards, Jonathan. End for which God Created the World

Pink, A.W. The Sovereignty of God

Hannah, John. Our Legacy: The History of Christian Doctrine

Augustine. Confessions

Owen, John. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ

Edwards, Jonathan. The Freedom of the Will

It's called reading. Top to bottom, left to right ... a group of words together is called a sentence. Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps.

P.S. If you'd like to lavish love on me in the area of books, here's my wishlist:
My Wish List


At 29 December, 2006 15:35, Blogger GUNNY said...

Hey, this blog has been known to just break the wrist and walk away, break the wrist, walk away.

At 03 January, 2007 12:36, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the desire for some Cardinals' cag, but it just doesn't make any sense to have a wind chime on your reading list.


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