Friday, June 09, 2006

For it is the doom of men that they forget.

This week has been Vacation Bible School. The theme has been "Treasure Cove: Discover the Riches of Christ" and we've had a good group of kids and a lot of fun learning about the riches we have in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The kids have (re)learned that "Jesus IS our greatest treasure" (emphasis mine) as they have been taught Christ-centered stories regarding Christ's person and work and His worthiness of trust, worship, and obedience.

It's a simple message, but it's easy to forget that God gave us His Son, not merely so we could avoid hell, but so we could have Him. Christ died that we might have life through Him, eternal life that is, which is knowing God.
"The Gospel is not a way to get people to Heaven; it is a way to get people to God." -John Piper

What more could God give? He gave His Son, that which was His most treasured, that we could have that which is our greatest treasure, fellowship with our Creator.

In essence, God gave Himself to save us from Himself for Himself that we might enjoy and glorify Himself.

God gave Christ (the second person of the Trinity) out of love for us. Jesus Christ made atonement for those who would believe to appease the wrath of God, saving us from the penalty due our sin and sinfulness. His sacrifice provides justification for those who believe. He saves us so that we would be able to love & worship Him, the reason we were created. The end result is that we get to have an intimate & familial relationship with God through Christ by grace through faith. As we trust, worship, and obey, God is glorified.

God is our greatest treasure and He is pleased, honored, and glorified when we value Him in that way. To do so means we delight in Him, not what He can do for us or give us, all of which is secondary in value.
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. -John Piper

So remember ... God gave us His Son not merely so we don't have to not get hell, but so that we could get God. Remember, for it is the doom of men that they forget.


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